Monday, December 22, 2008

Promise & Determination

I'm going to college on Jan 5 but i still can't discipline myself...I want to make a promise to myself test my own determination.I think I should write myself a letter ...A letter that should be open six months later .A test that will last me six months and the result of the test is my improvement on how I discipline myself.

To Cindy,
There are a few things that I wish you could do or follow for the following 18 months.
  1. Wake up at 6.30am on weekdays and 7.30am on weekends
  2. Then go for a 30 mins walk
  3. Study for 3 hours everyday exclude lessons
  4. Revise everything that has been thought in college before go to sleep
  5. Pay attention during class ( ITS VERY IMPORTANT)
I wish you could do this from 2morow onwards ...maybe you dont have to do everything listed from the beginning you may start practicing it one by one. I hope you really care about your educatuon as RM 17K is not a small amount .I think that is enough for today...I will write my improvement or achievment everyday on this blog.

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