Tuesday, December 23, 2008


This is 23 Dec 2008 diary

I woke up at 12.30pm and watched ' john and kate plus 8 ' while I'm enjoying my dinner.
Then I clean up myself and watched the movie "Mamma Mia" with my sister and my mum's room.
This is the third time Im watching this movie.Then I suddenly receive a call from my mum .She tell us to get ready as we are going to enjoy an orchestra at Dewan Sri Pinang.My sis and I were so excited ...Im so worried because I dont know what to where to as it is a formal occasion.

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No.9 with Chorus
Date: 23 December 2008 (Tuesday)
Venue: Dewan Sri Pinang Auditorium
Solely sponsored by TEXCHEM GroupInvitation only
Featuring: Penang State Symphony Orchestra & Chorus
Jascha Y. Shimano, Music Director/Conductor
Dr.Martin Ennis, Chorus master
Kayo Takemura, Soprano Soloist
Khoo Hooi Lay, Alto Soloist
Armando Chin Yeong, Tenor SoloistCha Seng Tiang, Baritone Soloist

It was a wonderfull performance ...excepr that the penang audience clap at the wrong time..Sweat!Plus that is a mother who is bring her daughter along to watch the orchestra unluckily sat behind me.They were so inconsiderable as they whisper/talk during the performance and the daughter even play PSP during the performance as she say she doesn't enjoy the orchestra.I was so irritated by the sound....I really sound throw away that little girl PSP.

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