Saturday, December 27, 2008

Special Christmas

Today Im going to write activity I've done during  Christmas Day

I woke up at 11.00am and watched Mnet Music Festival 2006 .Then I meet up my friends at gurney plaza.We had our lunch at Winter Warmers.There are 7 of us who are Yuen ,Lyn Huey,Mun ,Wern,Nurain,wee Nee,and Me.I ordered a set of chicken cheese baked and a cup of lavender tea.We talk about our holidays and our futere plan.Yuen went to sarawak and Lyn Huey went to Taiwan.We exchanged presents.Wee Nee and I bought a purse for Lyn Huey and Lyn Huey bought me TVXQ Mirotic Version C from Taiwan which quite surprise me and of course I like it very much.Then we headed to watson to buy some stuff of Wern who was going to NS at 28/12/08.We then loiter aimlessly at the mall.We first went to popular bookshop then to MPH bookstor.We then wanted to have a tea break so we went to the donut shop and sat down.Wee Nee,Lyn Huey and Mun went to buy donut which each cost RM2.20 and a cup of coffee.Then we went to Padini and then headed to Niichi where they insisted to find a skirt for Yuen.Yuen has no choice but to try on the jean skirt they chose for her.We were all standing in front of the fitting room because we are very curious about how would she look when she is wearing a skirt.I then went home because my leg is going to break into two pieces.I was so exhausted and went to 新大东 to have dinner with my family.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


This is 23 Dec 2008 diary

I woke up at 12.30pm and watched ' john and kate plus 8 ' while I'm enjoying my dinner.
Then I clean up myself and watched the movie "Mamma Mia" with my sister and my mum's room.
This is the third time Im watching this movie.Then I suddenly receive a call from my mum .She tell us to get ready as we are going to enjoy an orchestra at Dewan Sri Pinang.My sis and I were so excited ...Im so worried because I dont know what to where to as it is a formal occasion.

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No.9 with Chorus
Date: 23 December 2008 (Tuesday)
Venue: Dewan Sri Pinang Auditorium
Solely sponsored by TEXCHEM GroupInvitation only
Featuring: Penang State Symphony Orchestra & Chorus
Jascha Y. Shimano, Music Director/Conductor
Dr.Martin Ennis, Chorus master
Kayo Takemura, Soprano Soloist
Khoo Hooi Lay, Alto Soloist
Armando Chin Yeong, Tenor SoloistCha Seng Tiang, Baritone Soloist

It was a wonderfull performance ...excepr that the penang audience clap at the wrong time..Sweat!Plus that is a mother who is bring her daughter along to watch the orchestra unluckily sat behind me.They were so inconsiderable as they whisper/talk during the performance and the daughter even play PSP during the performance as she say she doesn't enjoy the orchestra.I was so irritated by the sound....I really sound throw away that little girl PSP.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Promise & Determination

I'm going to college on Jan 5 but i still can't discipline myself...I want to make a promise to myself test my own determination.I think I should write myself a letter ...A letter that should be open six months later .A test that will last me six months and the result of the test is my improvement on how I discipline myself.

To Cindy,
There are a few things that I wish you could do or follow for the following 18 months.
  1. Wake up at 6.30am on weekdays and 7.30am on weekends
  2. Then go for a 30 mins walk
  3. Study for 3 hours everyday exclude lessons
  4. Revise everything that has been thought in college before go to sleep
  5. Pay attention during class ( ITS VERY IMPORTANT)
I wish you could do this from 2morow onwards ...maybe you dont have to do everything listed from the beginning you may start practicing it one by one. I hope you really care about your educatuon as RM 17K is not a small amount .I think that is enough for today...I will write my improvement or achievment everyday on this blog.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The First Day

I finally make my decision to make a blog although I thought it was stupid a couple years ago
I don't know how I will make it a interesting or amazing/fascinating blog by just writing my daily activities ..Maybe I should keep on trying and practicing..
Maybe some expert can help me to make it more interesting..I think??
I woke up at 11am and watches a movie while having my lunch
The movie is THE BEST MAN (1999) Oh yea..I really like movies very much.


Harper Stewart (Diggs) is a young man living in Chicago who is about to hit the big time professionally. His debut novel, ominously titled Unfinished Business, has been selected by Oprah's Book Club. He has a beautiful and devoted girlfriend, Robin (Lathan), and his best friend Lance (Chestnut) is getting married on the weekend in New York. In an early scene with Harper and Robin lounging in a tub, it becomes clear that all is not well. Robin merely sighs contentedly and idly mentions that she could stay like this forever. For Harper, life is just beginning, and he feels that committing to a woman now that he’s on the verge of success would be a death-knell for him.

To complicate matters further, Harper's new book, which is autobiographical, has fallen into the wrong hands. Jordan (Long), an old woulda-coulda-shoulda flame of Harper’s, has read an advance copy that seems to be working its way through Harper’s inner circle, coincidentally the other members of the wedding party. In the novel are several unsavory fictionalized characterizations of Harper's real-life friends. These friends all take it in good stride when they talk to Harper face-to-face, but their hurt causes at least one of them to want to teach Harper a lesson. Jordan learns that Harper’s book is unabashedly flattering in its portrayal of a character based on her, however, and she decides to test the waters with Harper at this vulnerable stage.

Then I had my shower and read through the sign and laws of the road so that I could pass the exam and get my driving license.

Then when I listened to my mum's CD I suddenly fell in love in one of the songs named Every Women in The world by Air supply..I was so attracted by the lyrics and the vocal of air supply.

Then I watched another movie named P.S I love You


Gerry and Holly Kennedy are a happily married couple living on the Lower East Side of Manhattan until he succumbs to a brain tumor. Deeply distraught, Holly withdraws from her family and friends until they descend upon her on her 30th birthday. They are determined to force the young widow to face the future and decide what her next career move should be. As they rally around Holly and help organize her apartment, a cake is delivered, and on it is a message from Gerry. It proves to be the first of several - all ending with the sign-off P.S. I Love You - he arranged to have delivered to her after his death. As the seasons pass, each new message fills her with encouragement and sends her on a new adventure. While Holly's mother Patricia and her best friends Denise and Sharon are concerned Gerry's letters are keeping Holly tied to the past, they are in fact pushing her into the future. With Gerry's words as her guide, Holly slowly embarks on a journey of rediscovery.

Gerry pre-arranged for Holly, Denise, and Sharon to travel to his homeland of Ireland, and while there they meet William, a singer who strongly reminds Holly of her deceased husband and coincidentally was his childhood friend. During the vacation, Denise announces she's engaged and Sharon reveals she's pregnant, and the news causes Holly to relapse emotionally and once again withdraw into herself.

Holly eventually enrolls in a fashion course and discovers she has a flair for designing women's shoes. A newfound self-confidence allows her to emerge from her solitude and embrace her friends' happiness. She decides to take her mother on a trip to Ireland, where she reunites with William, and as the film ends the audience is left with the suggestion their relationship may progress to a more serious level.

That's my day after having dinner alone at home and play 'Audition' after being tied up by boredness...